
History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.

~ Martin Luther King Jr. ~

Private Education


Individual Attention

The classroom environment at History allows your childs’ educators to give them the time and attention that they need in order to succeed. We believe in keeping class numbers low to maximum learning potential.

Fantastic Facilities

Each student has access to the best possible learning technologies, as well having guest classes from industry professionals. We believe this better prepares your child for their careers or own businesses.

Life Long Learning

In History, we believe in equipping your children with the skills to be able to learn for the rest of their lives! By instilling in them a method of analytical thinking, we believe they will be able to be independent thinkers and be high performers in their chosen careers.

What other parents say!

My son struggled with history during his school years – until we enrolled him at History. That has been the best decision we made, and his educators have worked hard to get his history to a level we never thought possible!

― Noor, Grade 8 parent

My daughter has loved being at History for the last 5 weeks. The learning environment makes the difference and I’m so proud that she has been accepted into an amazing academy next year!

― Najia, Grade 6 parent

About us

We are History, a place of educational excellence.

We equip your children for their chosen field of study and careers with lifelong learning skills.


050 975 7862
Liwan, Queue Point
Dubai, UAE

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Build Culturally Responsive Classrooms

Multiple perspectives are infused into a seamless narrative as historical events are presented without bias and with authentic voices. Students gain appreciation and empathy as they learn history through a variety of voices in a safe, collaborative, and empathetic learning environment. Thousands of carefully curated primary and secondary sources are coupled with focused analysis activities to promote critical thinking.


Welcome to History, the Online History Network. We hope you enjoy and have fun exploring our history. The website is packed with articles, worksheets and even a quiz on each section.

You will find cool games, videos, worksheets on many historical events that will help you understand those that have gone before us.

Our Topics:


Learn about the ancient Egyptian civilization and what they did in their daily lives. Many things like metal work, paper making and amazing architecture all came from the Egyptians.

History of Egypt


There is so much to learn about ancient Greece. This civilization was around almost 4000 years ago. You will learn about Daily Life and the amazing art and architecture that they are famous for. Greek mythology is also very interesting to read about and your have fun learning.

History of Greece


Rome was the greatest city in the ancient world. The Roman Empire stretched across Europe and they had vast armies to help conquer other cities and countries. Enjoy reading about this amazing time.

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Enjoy our information on Asian History and lots more as we add information. You’ll find lots of pictures, art and worksheets to help with you’re homework and school projects.

History of Asia


Learn all about Ancient China, we cover the Chinese Daily Life and from what type of food they liked to games and music. Checkout the quiz and worksheet for project and school work.

History of China
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